Friday, March 8, 2013

They called him "Mr. Owlie"

I saw this embroidery pattern on Pinterest and knew, right away, that I had to make it for my friend, Beki, who's crazy about owls.  It was meant to be an embroidery pattern.   Here's the link to the pattern -

But, Beki also loves wool, as I do, and wool-felt.  So, I decided to use wool felt on the bigger things and then fill it out with embroidery.  I guess I didn't take a picture of the back, but I just overlapped the fabric, by about 4", I think, to create an "envelope" back.  I bought some largish buttons and just cut open the wool, to create button-holes.  That's one of the cool things about wool.... you don't have to finish the edges!  It's not going to unravel!  I did a blanket stitch all around the outside edge and then did a running stitch about 1/2" from the outside edge, so that the whole edge would be flanged.

She hasn't received it, yet, but she rarely gets on the computer, so I'm pretty confident that she won't see this before I actually give it to her.  :)

On a completely different note, I've always used the word "unravel", to mean something that's fraying.  But, just now, all of a sudden, I wasn't sure if that was the correct word.  It seems sort of like fiction and non-fiction suddenly!  So, I looked it up and, basically, they mean the same thing.

Enjoy the weekend!!

      ~  Teri

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Rooster towel

The pattern is from Yesterday's Charm and is called "Rise and Shine".  There are seven designs in the one pattern, for each day of the week, of course.  :)

Oh, I see the "underline" has finally disappeared!  Thank you so much, Blogger, now that I've accidentally deleted the entire button for "underline", since it wasn't responding to my telling it to stop underlining!!  UGH.  I'm seriously considering leaving Blogger.  But, I'm not sure where I'd go or how easy it would be to transfer all my old posts.  It sounds a tad overwhelming.  I know a lot of you have done this, though, so, please, if you have any recommendations for where to go and how to go about it, please share!

I'm doing The Sketchbook Tour for the first time this year!  I tried to put The Sketchbook Project gadget on here.... but, no, it just wouldn't take it.  Finally, I just saved their logo and then uploaded it here, just like I would a photo, without using html.  Very frustrating, though.  And, I don't like how they've changed the whole look of everything.  Just leave things alone, thank you very much!

Anyway, I hope you like the towel... Jana did!

And, if you have any ideas about switching to a more user-friendly place to have a blog, let me know!


  ~  Teri